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Home: Our Team
Solytics is a Joint-Venture between Cintel, Inc. and Intrepid, LLC aligned under the Small Business Administration's All Small Mentor-Protégé Program delivering customer focused solutions and services through an integrated team. Solytics leverages the strengths of our combined team to deliver unparalleled end-to-end solutions in technical and programmatic services as a small business.
As a Small Business JV, Solytics brings 25 years of combined experience delivering technologies and services to the Federal Government, serving multiple agencies in the Department of Defense, including the Missile Defense Agency, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Marine Corps.
Our team delivers solutions in Software Engineering, Data Science and Analytics, Cyber Security, and complex Systems Integration for Missile Systems; Unmanned, Rotary and Fixed Wing Aviation Systems; Targets; Radars; BM/C4I; and SAP Based Financial Systems.
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